Thursday, November 20, 2014

Review: The Fine Print of Self-Publishing - Mark Levine

**Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions on this book are my own.**

The Fine Print of Self-Publishing is a guide to the creation and distribution of self-published books. In the fifth edition of this guide you will find everything you need to know about the difference between traditional publication and self-publication and the how and why you can benefit from the self-publication route. 

The Fine Print of Self-Publication is a MUST HAVE for anyone who is thinking about self-publishing a book. Now that I have finished my NaNo novel I have been thinking seriously about trying to get it published (after several rounds of editing) and I plan on using this guide to help me every step of the way. Mark Levine pulls no punches when he explains the importance of hiring a professional editor and a professional cover designer. He lays it out on the line that if you're not willing to put out the money for a professional to make your work stand out, then you do not care about being taken seriously as a writer. 

Until reading this book I still had delusions about writers getting fantastic book deals and advances from traditional publishers. Once I read the information that Mark breaks down in his book I realized that as times have changed, the publishing world has changed with it. In a society where everyone wants instant gratification, ebooks are gaining popularity and self-publishing an ebook may be the way to go. It may not make me a million dollars in book sales but if I follow Mark's guidelines, I should still make a profit (if my book is worth reading). 

Mark Levine also gives you tips on ISBN and copyright information that may get overlooked or not taken seriously enough. I've learned that having an ISBN and having it formatted into your book properly can help with the success of your book because having an ISBN tells people that you're a serious author who has taken the time to invest in their work. His information on publisher's contracts really got my attention because I've got first hand experience (unfortunately) on what happens if you sign a contract without thoroughly reading it. Mark lays out what should and shouldn't be in your contract and gives you tips on what to watch out for. 

I highly recommend this book for anyone in the publishing process, whether you're just thinking about self-publishing or you've already begun the process, because this is an invaluable tool to have on your bookshelf! There's also a little surprise for anyone who makes it to the conclusion. (You want to make it to the conclusion!)


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